The Day I Learned To Love Perl

Following my second year of grad school, I spent the summer of 1997 as an intern for Myricom, a company in the L.A. area that makes really fast local-area networks. It was a great place to work: small, and filled with super-smart ex-Caltech people.

One day I was hacking while the important people were in a meeting with a big customer who was having some sort of network problem. Bob Felderman, my supervisor, came out and told me they had a hypothesis about the problem but some data needed to be analyzed to make sure, and could I do it like right now? At the time I was basically a C hacker and groveling lots of complicated text files using a C program would have been pure hell. I probably gave Bob a skeptical look. He walked over to someone else’s desk, handed me Perl book, and said this was the right tool for the job. I had never so much as touched a Perl interpreter but I started digging and within probably 30 minutes had solved the problem, went into the meeting, and handed them the smoking gun they’d been looking for.

I do not love Perl for all tasks; I definitely do not love it for large projects; and, I seldom love the Perl that anyone else writes. But that day I learned to love Perl and even now 95% of my LOC are in it. Of course this is partly because my students get to write all the fun code and I’m left parsing output files, graphing stuff, and otherwise stringing together long chains of UNIX processes.

5 responses to “The Day I Learned To Love Perl”

  1. “and even now 95% of my LOC are in (perl)” – i find this to be true across so many venues. i’m interested in hearing more (detailed) thoughts (even criticisms) from you about perl. have you looked at perl6 in detail at all?

  2. Hi Alexandr, I have not seen that book, but will check it out, thanks for the pointer.

    I have to admit to not being all that interested in the details or evolution of Perl, I simply need an effective tool and it already is!