Compiler Bug-Finding Project Milestones

Despite the Fall semester being crappy for me (double course load, and I keep getting sick) this project has made good progress:

  • Xuejun gave a talk at the LLVM Developer’s Meeting
  • We submitted our 300th compiler bug report (up from 200 in March 2010)
  • We submitted a paper to PLDI 2011 summarizing our methods and results; I’m keeping fingers crossed that I won’t have to burn an effigy of the dreaded reviewer 3

The next milestone will be to release Csmith, our test-case generator, as open source, hopefully before Christmas.


One response to “Compiler Bug-Finding Project Milestones”

  1. ‘pure’ seems to be an area of some confusion and misunderstanding in gcc. Although ‘pure’ functions are in the ‘library’ rather than in the ‘compiler’, that seems to be an arbitrary distinction now.

    I reckon that if you could work out a way to identify them, you’d probably find a few ‘pure’ functions which aren’t really pure in some of the implementations.