Category: Computer Science

  • Safe From Compiler Bugs?

    A few people have asked me: Does there exist a subset of the C language that is not, in practice, miscompiled? The intuition behind the question is perfectly reasonable. First, it is clear that there exist C features, such as bitfields and volatile variables, whose compiler support is not so reliable. Second, there exist C…

  • Continuous Paper Reviewing (Wonkish)

    People running conferences often have a single round of reviewing: papers are assigned to program committee members, reviews are due some weeks later, and then after reviewing is finished everyone decides which papers to accept. This works but there’s room for improvement. First, not all papers need the same number of reviews. Second, the number…

  • Squeezing a CS Research Idea

    [Disclaimer: I wrote about this topic once before, but it was buried in a longer piece. Also, it was in one of the first posts on this blog and I don’t think anyone read it. Update: I checked the stats. Nobody read it.] A hammer I like to use when reviewing papers and PhD proposals…

  • Size Matters

    Not long ago I served on an NSF panel: a collection of researchers who look at some grant proposals and provide recommendations to NSF program officers who then make decisions about which, if any, of the proposals to fund. After the panel finished, the program manager asked us for feedback about various issues including the…

  • Externally Relevant Open Problems in Computer Science

    Most academic fields have some externally relevant problems: problems whose solutions are interesting or useful to people who are totally ignorant of, and uninterested in, the field itself. For example, even if I don’t want to know anything about virology, I would still find a cure for the common cold to be an excellent thing.…

  • What I Want From a Bibliography System

    As a professor I spend a fair amount of time wrangling with references. Because it’s free and reasonably simple, I use BibTeX: an add-on tool for LaTeX that automates the construction of a bibliography by pulling references out of a separate text file, assigning them numbers (or other identifiers), and formatting the entries appropriately. BibTeX…

  • Publishing for Impact

    Choices made in the process of doing research can lead to a 5-10x difference in number of publications for exactly the same underlying work. For example, do I publish my idea in a workshop, then a conference, and then a journal? On the other hand I can just do the conference version. Do I take…

  • Generalizing and Criticizing Delta Debugging

    Delta debugging is a search-based technique for taking an input to a program that triggers a bug and making that input smaller. For example, you might have a sequence of GUI operations that causes Thunderbird to crash. Assuming the crash is deterministic and the input can be replayed automatically, you can iteratively remove UI actions…

  • An Executable Semantics For C Is Useful

    The goal of a C/C++ compiler is to turn every sequence of ASCII characters into executable instructions. OK, not really — though it does seem that way sometimes. The real goal of a C/C++ compiler is to map every conforming input into executable instructions that correspond to a legal interpretation of that input. The qualifiers…

  • Value Loss Coverage

    The ugly reality of computer arithmetic on fixed-length bit vectors is that many operations are not equivalent to the mathematical operators they superficially resemble. For example, only a tiny fraction of the possible outcomes of a 32-bit multiplication can be represented in a 32-bit destination register. Although bignum and rational packages exist — and have…