Too Much Milk: The Secret Origin Story
When I first taught operating systems 12 years ago, I based my teaching materials on a set of slides inherited from John Carter, the previous instructor at Utah. I was generally happy with these slides, and I’ve continued to evolve them since then, but one thing I was always curious about was the “too much…
Hints for Computer System Design
On the last day of my advanced OS course this spring we discussed one of my all-time favorite computer science papers: Butler Lampson’s Hints for Computer System Design. Why is it so good? It’s hard-won advice. Designing systems is not easy — a person can spend a lifetime learning to do it well — and…
How Should You Write a Fast Integer Overflow Check?
Detecting integer overflow in languages that have wraparound semantics (or, worse, undefined behavior on overflow, as in C/C++) is a pain. The issue is that programming languages do not provide access to the hardware overflow flag that is set as a side effect of most ALU instructions. With the condition codes hidden, overflow checks become…
Testing with Small Capacities
The goal of testing is to expose bugs. To find a bug we must drive the software under test into a part of its state space where the bug becomes evident, for example by causing a crash. Many bugs lurk in dark corners of the state space that are ordinarily difficult to reach. This piece…
Find the Integer Bug
Not all of the functions below are correct. The first person to leave a comment containing a minimal fix to a legitimate bug will get a small prize. I’m posting this not because the bug is particularly subtle or interesting but rather because I wrote this code for a piece about integer overflow and thought…
Research Advice from Alan Adler
Although I am a happy French press user, I enjoyed reading an article about Alan Adler and the AeroPress that showed up recently on Hacker News. In particular, I love Adler’s advice to inventors: Learn all you can about the science behind your invention. Scrupulously study the existing state of your idea by looking at…
A New Development for Coverity and Heartbleed
As a consequence of my last post, I spent some time on the phone Friday with Andy Chou, Coverity’s CTO and former member of Dawson Engler’s research group at Stanford, from which Coverity spun off over a decade ago. Andy confirmed that Coverity does not spot the heartbleed flaw and said that it remained stubborn…
Heartbleed and Static Analysis
Today in my Writing Solid Code class we went through some of the 151 defects that Coverity Scan reports for OpenSSL. I can’t link to these results but take my word for it that they are a pleasure to read — the interface clearly explains each flaw and the reasoning that leads up to it,…
I’m teaching a small Advanced Operating Systems course this spring. Preparing for the course over winter break, I spent some time reading various Linux subsystems such as the scheduler, and was a bit shocked at how complex it has become. I’ve been using Linux, looking at its code, and occasionally hacking it for more than…
Automated Reasoning About LLVM Optimizations and Undefined Behavior
Following up on last week’s toy use of Z3 and my LLVM superoptimizer post from a few weeks ago, I wanted to try to prove things about optimizations that involve undefined behavior. We’ll be working with the following example: Clang’s -O0 output for this code is cluttered but after running mem2reg we get a nice…